May 28

The Greatest Joys and Rewards of a Missionary

Life At The Mission, St. Frances de Sales School


This was my first baptism at the Mission: the parents asked me to choose the child’s name, so I gave him the name I had chosen for myself back when I was contemplating the monastic life: Baudoin (After the great “Leper King of Jerusalem”), plus my own name Henry. 

Father Fragelli and Baudoin Henri

Fast forward…. six years later… here is little Baudoin Henri serving his first Mass as… a “flower pot”. Baudoin Henri now needs to go to school. To our own Saint Francis de Sales School. I hope and pray a good and generous soul will step forward to sponsor his studies so that we can all continue to watch this beautiful flower blossom into a fine young Catholic man.

Please consider becoming a sponsor to a wonderful child like Baudoin and many others!


Baptism, Catholic school, Mission, Sacraments, Saint Francis de Sales School, sponsor a child

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