July 26

Blossoming of a First Flower from the Mission’s Spiritual Garden

Catholic Education, Life At The Mission, Mission Family


As you know, the Mission is blessed with many programs for our youth: workshops, sport, camps, retreats, but its noblest and least spoken of is our Seminary Candidate Program.

Every year dozens of young men from all over Africa send us applications for joining our Institute. After an initial correspondence and triage, the young man comes to the Mission for an internship and discernment period of at least 2 years. Like iron on fire… we put his Vocation to the test.

Albert Amuzu, spend 3 years at the Mission. He was there for the founding of Saint Francis de Sales School and was much loved by the children. He had many tasks, but the one he loved the most was accompanying the bus in the mornings and afternoons to go pick up and drop off the children. Albert worked hard to put together a little fanfare at the school that brought life and joy to the Mission’s many events, from the raising of the flag, to school celebrations, to the Independence Day parade. 

Albert soon became part of the “Mission Family” and was very loved by all. But the day came… and the bird had to fly away from the nest. Sending him to the Seminary was a sweet & sour feeling. It was hard to see him go and he is greatly missed at the Mission.

Today he completed his first year at the Seminary, and I happened to be there to see him receive the tonsure, leaving behind his civilian clothes while vesting the clergy’s cassock. We are very proud of Albert and we pray for his perseverance… the first Vocation to blossom from the Mission’s spiritual “garden”. 

About the author 

Canon H. Fragelli

Canon Fragelli was sent to Gabon in November 2012 to restore the Mission that had been inactive for several years. Canon Fragelli likes to preach. His favorite subject is the Blessed Mother and Catholic doctrine. He preaches every day at Mass and any occasion that presents itself. “Faith comes through hearing” taught us Saint Paul. His official title today is: “Prior of the Mission Saint Therese of the Infant Jesus and responsible for the apostolate of the Institute of Christ the King in the diocese of Mouila.” He is also the Chaplain of the Prison of Mouila.


Catholic school, education, family, Mission, Saint Francis de Sales School, vocation

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