March 7

COVID & the MISSION – An URGENT note to You from the Prior’s desk

Catholic Education, St. Frances de Sales School


Dear Missionary From Afar,

Covid caught us all off guard… some more than others. And at the Mission, we immediately felt the ripple effect. For more than a year now, despite a few good surprises, donations have plummeted imposing some harsh decisions:

  • We stopped ALL construction (annex to the clinic and the school’s soccer field.)
  • We fired over 15 workers, amongst them some teachers and school staff.
  • We suspended ALL expenses other than the necessary to survive.
We are down to the bare bone right now and worried for the future. Our finances were balanced till covid hit the world. It is no longer the case. 

Just about now, for instance, we should start providing the school uniforms for next year ($14.800), buying the school materials for back-to-school-day ($46.300), and purchasing at least one more bus for the children’s transportation this next school year ($42.600), but… we can’t.

Not to spoil the joy of the children, we have struggled to keep the appearance of normality. Had we not trust in God’s good Providence… we’d be desperate by now. The fact is that, to re-open our beautiful Saint Francis de Sales school this coming fall, we need $103.300. God help us!

So, in this simple note, I am reaching out to those souls that perhaps have not been hit so hard by the crisis, begging them, for the love of God, to share their blessings. In doing so, I thank, from the bottom of my heart those generous and heroic souls that, despite the crisis, continue to support the Mission and the School, continue to sponsor our students, continue to fund our orphanage. God bless your good hearts.

Extraordinary times demand extraordinary measures and are saved by extraordinary generosities. Please give it a thought. Help us keep our beautiful Saint Francis de Sales school open.

For International Giving:


Pour faire un don à la Mission en Europe (en euros) :

Aller sur :

Après votre don, écrivez, s.v.p., dans l’espace « Vous pouvez laisser ici un message accompagnant votre don :  que votre don est pour la Mission de Mouila, ou pour l’Ecole Saint François de Sales de Mouila, pour que votre don puisse arriver à la Mission ou à l’École.

Note :Votre don, en France, est défiscalisé. 

Que le bon Dieu vous paie en centuple. Soyez assuré de notre gratitude et de nos prières.


To send your donation to the Mission from Europe (in euros):

Go to :

To be assured that your donation reaches the Mission, please write in the box  « Vous pouvez laisser ici un message accompagnant votre don :  that your donation is for the Mouila Mission, ou for the Mouila Saint Francis de Sales School.

May God reward you a hundred fold. Please be assured of our gratitude and prayers.

God bless you always,

Fr. H. Fragelli, i.c.r.s.p.

About the author 

Canon H. Fragelli

Canon Fragelli was sent to Gabon in November 2012 to restore the Mission that had been inactive for several years. Canon Fragelli likes to preach. His favorite subject is the Blessed Mother and Catholic doctrine. He preaches every day at Mass and any occasion that presents itself. “Faith comes through hearing” taught us Saint Paul. His official title today is: “Prior of the Mission Saint Therese of the Infant Jesus and responsible for the apostolate of the Institute of Christ the King in the diocese of Mouila.” He is also the Chaplain of the Prison of Mouila.


Catholic school, Covid-19, donate, give, Mission, needs, Saint Francis de Sales School

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